VES Professional

VES is a vessel and heat exchanger design package for pressure vessel calculations according to the following international norms: ASME VIII div.1, TEMA, AD Merkblätter, EN13445 and RToD.

Ves is a vessel and heat exchanger design package containing modules for ASME VIII Div.1 and TEMA, AD 2000 Regelwerk, EN 13445-3, RToD, and WRC 107/297. The design package contains a large number of design standards for gaskets, pipe schedules materials and others. The design modules make use of the same design data by sharing the project database. This way it is possible to design a pressure vessel simultaneously for the various codes. For more information see:

VES: Pressure Vessel, Exchanger Design and Calculation Software: General information on VES.

Quick Reference Guide: The complete online VES reference guide.

VES Heat Exchanger design wizard: How to design heat exchangers with VES.

VES Flange Calculation demo: Movie which shows calculation of a standard piping flange in the VES.